Dr. Giroir to Newsmax: Fauci’s Adviser Withheld Vital COVID Information

Information from former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Anthony Fauci’s senior adviser, David Morens, revealed a pattern withholding important information that the nation deserved to know, retired Adm. Brett Giroir told Newsmax Sunday.

Morens used his personal Gmail account while conducting official business about the COVID-19 pandemic.

“What was revealed here — not only in the testimony, but also in the documents — is that Dr. Morens and senior members of the NIH staff implied that Dr. Fauci was involved, obfuscated, and covered up official government business,” said Giroir, a former U.S. assistant secretary for health and member of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, on Newsmax’s “Sunday Agenda.”

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